Social Media Free Weekends, Take 1

I love when I feel challenged by an online friend to stop obsessing over something I feel like I can't breathe without. (Except not. I mean, who likes acknowledging something they do more than they should?)

Social networks are my addiction. (Along with my tv schedule, I admit.) I always joke that I'm more exciting on the Internet. But seriously. I remember loving AOL as soon as we had it, dial-up and all! Then, in 2004, I found MySpace. Just thinking about it puts hearts in my eyes!

Since then, I've joined nearly every major social network. Facebook. Twitter. Instagram. You get the picture. Once I got a smartphone, I've been practically inseparable from my online life (see picture of my phone screen below). Until now. Literally today.

I saw Lara Casey's status about looking forward to another social media free weekend. (the thought could send me into meltdown mode.) I read blogs that she had posted and thought, "If not now, when? I have to try."

So, this weekend, I'm going to try to stay off social networks Saturday and Sunday. Technically, I have a three day weekend, but don't get crazy! I have to start somewhere.

Attaching the pages of my journal where I convinced myself to do it. Please share my lols.

In the words of Kim Possible, if you need me this weekend, call me, beep me, if you wanna reach me.



  1. Before you disappear for the weekend, I just wanted you to know I enjoyed this post! Definitely something for me to think about as well! I think we could all use a little more "real life" interaction. Thank you for giving me the reminder!

  2. I love this post, I did the same for awhile. for like a month and i accomplished so much more but it didn't stick :-/

    Your newest follower,
    Lisa @


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