Getting to Know You (MSWB Link-up!)
1. Are you a morning or night person? I'd much rather stay up late than wake up early. However, I do require about as much sleep as an infant, so I don't make a habit of being up too late on work nights!
2. Are you a collector of anything? Hmm...books and movies. White animals decorate our home. Pens and journals. Magazines (though I've downsized and just kept articles instead of entire issues!).
3. If you were given 1 million dollars, what do you do with it? Pay off all the debt we owe. Take my family and best friends to Disney. Build our dream home.
4. What is your worst pet peeve? People who can't drive.
5. What is the best thing about your hometown? (Psst…we’d love to hear all about it in a guest post for August’s “Local Flavor” theme.) I love Clinton!!!! It's small, but it has enough amenities that I don't feel like we live in the country. I've started a hashtag so that I can share my hometown with the girls in my Influence Network community group! Feel free to join by using #hometowninfluence!
6. If you were stranded on a desert island, and your iPod could only hold 10 songs, what would they be (assuming the battery lasts forever, of course)? Everything, Simon, and Broken by Lifehouse. Come Awake, Sometimes, and How He Loves by David Crowder. Wake Up by All Sons & Daughters. My Heart by Paramore. The Harold Song by Kesha. Times by Tenth Avenue North.
7. If you could have a do-over in only one area of your life, would you want one? And if so, what would it be? Nope. Never. My life has been beautiful. Not perfect in the slighest. But absolutely beautiful.
8. What is your absolute favorite meal. (Pretend calories don’t exist.) Tacos. I wish every night were taco night.
9. Do you have a hero? If so, who is it? I have several life influencers. My mom, my sister, my best friend - Paige. Jess Followell. Lara Casey, Emily Ley, Natalie Norton, and Gina Zeidler. A ton of other blogging ladies, too.
10. Why do you blog? Writing is my favorite. It's my release and my memories and my heart. It's the one thing I feel like I'm talented with. Writing is such a powerful form of connecting with others.
Are you a Mississippi lady who blogs? Join us!
Happy Monday, friends!
My pet peeve is also people who can't drive. :P Nice to meet you!