Rules for Teen Girls

My mom shared a blog on Facebook that I thought was so good. I thought I would throw my two cents out for all the teen girls ever too.

1. Real friends don't sabatoge other friends to make themselves look better. 

2. Be yourself. Even if you're weird. I've always liked what I liked, and it has really worked out for me. (This isn't saying I didn't want to and try to fit in!) I'm just saying that the friends I had when I was beyond obsessed with pro-wrestling are still my friends today. 

3. You will look back and wish you hadn't done certain poses in pictures. For me, it was the duck face from 2004-2007. For you, it may be any of the following: severe head tilt, peace sign over the eye, peace sign over the eye with a duck face, or the combo of all of them - severe head tilt, duck face, complete with a peace sign over the eye. I've compiled some examples. 

(Please note:  I will give up the duck face, but the skinny arm is here to stay. Sorry if it annoys you. I learned about it on Karson's wedding day, and it's a habit I refuse to drop.)

4. You may start to realize that you have opinions different from your family or friends. This is ok. It's part of growing up. However, respect and obey your parents.

5.  As much as tests, papers, quizzes, and projects matter now, they aren't life or death situations. Study hard. Try your best. Trust God. Inhale. Exhale. RELAX.These  are literally some of the best years of your life!

6.  Watch Mean Girls. Remember the funny parts, but also make sure you don't turn into a total Plastic trying to become part of the popular crowd. #NotWorthIt

7.  Remember that God made you for a divine purpose. Even when life gets hard and you feel like it sucks and nothing goes your way - tell Him. He can take it. And just hold on. You are so worth loving. He has an amazing plan for your life. 

Happy back to school, girls. Rock this year. 



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